

2017-11-24 卢奕 程娱 中国外汇




New Opportunities for Foreign Investment and the Release of Document 39

文/卢奕  程娱


China has been working to improve market access for foreign investors, and an announcement in August was a major step in this direction. On August 8, the State Council unveiled its Notice on Measures for the Promotion of Foreign Investment (State Council, No.39, 2017). This policy announcement, widely known as Document 39, extended greater market access and offered more financial support to foreign investors. The same document built on a foundation put in place earlier in the year with the Notice on Measures for the Promotion of Opening Up with Active Utility of Foreign Investment (State Council, No.5, 2017). Document 39 and Document 5 put forward 22 detailed suggestions on reducing restrictions on foreign capital, formulating tax and support policies, facilitating immigration formalities for foreign employees and improving the overall investment environment of national level development zones. Document 39 gives clear guidance on the relaxation of foreign capital access in response to market developments and demand from foreign investors already in China. Some of the policies will no doubt require further elaboration.


A Lower Threshold for Foreign Capital Access


Document 39 clearly states that it is necessary to expand market access, and proposes 12 specific areas that will be further opened to the outside world. These include new energy vehicles, special-use vehicles, ship design, regional and general aircraft maintenance, international maritime transport, railway passenger transport, gas stations, premises for Internet access businesses, call centers, agents for entertainers, banking, securities and insurance.


Document 39 may require another revision of the Foreign Investment Industry Guidance Catalog (often referred to as the 2017 Catalog), which was jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce in June 2017. During the 2004-2015 period, the Catalog of Foreign Investment Industries had been revised four times. The 2017 Catalog updated a document released two years previously. If the existing Catalog is updated again this year, that would be unprecedented.


Additionally, the so-called negative list for foreign investment, which permits investment in any area not specifically placed off limits, should be promoted on a national scale as soon as possible. This negative list concept was originally employed on a trial basis in free trade areas. These free trade areas (FTAs) enjoy a higher degree of market opening than other parts of the country. The Special Management Measures in Foreign Capital Access in Free Trade Pilot Areas (Negative List) (2017 Edition) was released in June 2017 as an updated version of existing rules. Compared to the previous version, the 2017 edition eliminated 10 articles 32 40467 32 13307 0 0 6637 0 0:00:06 0:00:02 0:00:04 6640 and 27 measures related to aviation manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, Internet and related services, banking services and insurance. It is likely that these business areas will be gradually liberalized on a national scale. China may also move to open up the automotive, telecommunications, financial and other key sectors in the future.


Let us first look at the auto sector. Foreign investors have long sought to remove the restrictions which require joint ventures and limit foreign shareholdings in auto production. Although Document 39 makes it clear that China should relax foreign capital limits on the production of special-use and new energy vehicles, it does not address the key concern of foreign investors - conventional auto production. The 2017 version of the Catalog and the Free Trade Area Negative List continue the restrictions on foreign investment in automobile production. They maintain the limit of 50% equity in any venture as well as the “2+2” structure, which restricts foreign automakers to two joint ventures for passenger cars and two joint ventures for commercial vehicles. It is noteworthy that in 2016, officials of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission publicly stated that the government was considering canceling the 50% equity ceiling and that would be accomplished in three to eight years. In April this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology issued their Long-term Development Plan for the Automobile Industry and made it clear that authorities should relax the share ratio restrictions on joint ventures in a orderly fashion. 

二是电信及互联网服务业。2017版《目录》与上一版目录相比,对电信业的限制性措施没有变化,电信业的外资壁垒仍然存在。虽然39号文已将互联网上网服务营业场所及呼叫中心等列入本次将具体开放的领域,但尚未触及外资呼吁较强烈的包括云计算、互联网接入服务等在内的增值电信服务。值得注意的是,早在2014年,上海自贸区就已试水向外国投资者开放部分增值电信业务的股比限制。上海自贸区内的信息服务业务(仅含应用商店)、存储转发类业务、呼叫中心业务、国内多方通信服务业务、因特网接入服务业务的外资股比可突破50%;在线数据处理与交易处理业务(经营类电子商务)的外资股权比例限制已于2015年取消,并推广至全国执行。2015年5月的《中共中央 国务院关于构建开放型经济新体制的若干意见》也提出,要在维护国家安全的前提下,对电信等基础设施领域逐步减少外资限制。当前,已在上海自贸区开放的部分增值电信业务或可在不久的将来在全国得到逐步推广。

Turning to telecommunications and Internet services, the 2017 version of the Catalog provided almost no changes from the past. Barriers to foreign capital in the telecommunications industry remain in place. Document 39 has listed Internet service corporate premises and call centers as areas for more market access, but it did not touch cloud computing, Internet access services or other value-added services where there is considerable interest from foreign concerns. It is noteworthy that, as early as in 2014, the Shanghai Free Trade Area tried to open up equity ratio restrictions on value-added telecom services for foreign investors. The ratio for information service corporations, storage and forwarding, call centers, domestic multi-party communication services and Internet access services in the Shanghai Free Trade Area can exceed 50%. The share ratio restrictions of online data processing and transactions (including e-commerce operations) were removed in 2015, and that has since been promoted on a national scale. In May 2005, Some Suggestions from the Communist Party Central Authorities and the State Council on the Construction of an Open Economy also proposed a gradual reduction of restrictions on foreign investment in telecommunications and other infrastructure areas as long as national security requirements are met. At present, some aspects of value-added telecom services that have been opened up in the Shanghai Free Trade Area may gradually be applied nationally in the future.


Lastly, we should examine the financial sector where we can see a cautious liberalization.  The 2017 Catalog has not eliminated the key restrictions on the financial sector. Document 39 clearly states that banking, securities and insurance are included in the 12 areas that will be liberalized, but there is no indication of which restrictions on ownership and business areas will be removed. In June 2017, Zhou Xiaochuan, the governor of the central bank, told the Lujiazui Forum, a major business conference, that financial services would be gradually liberalized. The State Council's Document No. 5 also said it was necessary to relax curbs on foreign capital in banking and finance, securities, securities investment fund management, futures trading, insurance, and insurance intermediaries. Both are positive signals on the future opening up of the financial service sector. 


Formulating Tax and Fiscal Support Policies


In order to encourage foreign investment, Document 39 states that foreign investors using profits from enterprises in China to invest in encouraged business areas may be entitled to deferred tax treatment, allowing them to avoid the payment of withholding tax.


Prior to 2008, dividends distributed to foreign investors from their investments in China's domestic enterprises were generally exempt from withholding tax. But as of January 1, 2008, the corporate income tax law ended this treatment. Since then, unless it can enjoy the corresponding tax treaty treatment, dividend income of foreign investors in China generally requires a 10% withholding tax. Even if after-tax profits were used for reinvestment in China, foreign investors were still subject to withholding tax.


In order to avoid the 10% withholding tax, many foreign investors chose to set up an investment company in China as a platform for the collection and reinvestment of profits. However, there are some requirements for establishing an investment company, and these can be difficult to meet. These include having total assets of not less than US$400 million and registered capital of at least $30 million for the the investment company alone. This has discouraged many smaller multinational companies. Since then, the Ministry of Commerce has issued a provision allowing foreign investors to invest in Chinese enterprises or increase their investment in existing foreign-funded enterprises. This has allowed some smaller multinational companies that cannot meet the conditions for the establishment of investment companies to reorganize their investment structure in China through equity investment. The introduction of the new regulations is undoubtedly conducive to multinational companies that are interested in making further investments in China. These multinational companies can make use of traditional overseas investment platforms, including those in Hong Kong and Singapore, to collect and reinvest their profits without paying withholding tax.


The introduction of these preferential policies shows the Chinese government’s determination to attract more foreign investment. It also meets the requirements of revised cross-border capital flow regulations which seek to encourage foreign investors to keep profits in China.


In order to promote the use of foreign funds and foreign investment, Document 39 introduces relevant tax support policies regarding Chinese resident enterprises (including regional headquarters of multinational companies) so that they return overseas income to China.


China’s corporate income tax law employs a dual jurisdiction approach that recognizes the residence of the individual company as well as territorial jurisdiction. Resident enterprises should submit corporate income tax based on total domestic income. In order to avoid double taxation, the current corporate income tax employs limits or exemptions according to nationality rather than specific items of taxation. 


However, judging from current trends in global taxation, more and more countries (especially developed countries) have begun to adopt tax-free treatment in order to avoid double taxation on the foreign income of resident companies. Tax exemption of foreign income is generally focused on dividends and capital gains from overseas while tax credits are generally applied on interest and royalties. The main reason for such tax exemption lies in the simple calculation method and low tax compliance costs. This is aimed at reducing or eliminating the tax burden of the taxpayer when repatriating overseas income and it can enhance the regulation of domestic enterprises by encouraging the return of investments and profits from overseas.


At present, China's current overseas credit system is complicated, and it is difficult for taxpayers to accurately grasp the main tax principles as they apply to their specific operating circumstances. This can lead to inadequate credit for foreign tax and in turn increase the overseas investment tax burden for these taxpayers. In addition, the corporate income tax law stipulates that such credits on foreign income are limited to third-tier foreign enterprises. If resident taxpayers have more than three tiers of offshore investments, corporate tax for those operations exceeding the three-tier tax limit cannot be included in the credit system. This means such overseas income could be subject to double taxation.


With the introduction of Document 39, it is suggested that policy makers should consider introducing tax exemptions in the credit system for foreign income of companies in China. That would reduce the tax burden and compliance costs related to overseas investment and encourage overseas profits to flow back to China. At the same time, the efficient flow of capital at home and abroad is also conducive to attracting foreign investors to set up regional headquarters in China.


Corporate Income Tax Preferential Policies on a National Scale


In order to play a positive role in foreign investment in optimizing the services trade structure, Document 39 proposes that preferential income tax policies regarding advanced technology services in the demonstration cities will be promoted on a national scale.


At present, the 31 pilot areas for service outsourcing basically cover most of the eastern coastal cities and some central cities. Those enterprises that are identified as advanced technology service companies in the above areas can enjoy a 15% preferential tax on corporate income and a deduction for staff education and training expenses not in excess of 8% of total wages. Document 39 expands the scope of the policy, and aims to help optimize the structure of the services trade in order to promote foreign investment in high-tech and high value-added services.


Service companies using advanced technologies can benefit from a preferential tax rate of 15% -- the same rate applied to high-tech companies. The guiding principle is that it is not necessary to own the intellectual property rights associated with a core technology, and this is highly appealing to multinational enterprises. Many multinationals have set up research and development centers, sharing centers and the like in China for design, finance, logistics procurement and internal management purposes for operations in China, the Asia-Pacific region or on a global basis. With the extension of these preferential tax policies, foreign investors may maintain or add high-end research and development and technical centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other key coastal cities where the infrastructure is better and it is easier to find skilled personnel with higher educational levels. Sharing centers and service centers with lower technical requirements might be located in central parts of the country or in second- or third-tier cities where costs are lower.


It is noteworthy that in the application of policies towards multinational companies, special attention should be paid to the fact that offshore service outsourcing revenue should not be less than 35% of total revenue. That means a service sharing center would need to cover mainland China and should also have a reach that covers the Asia-Pacific region or even be global. At the same time, as operations shift to the second- and third-tier cities of central China, corporate executives should note the requirement that more than 50% of all workers should have a college education.


Multinational companies need to pay special attention to the balance between preferential corporate income tax incentives and intra-group transfer pricing policies. In general, multinationals tend to believe that research and development or technical activities undertaken by domestic research and development/technical centers on behalf of corporate headquarters or other group member companies should report a normal profit return. But in fact, such service enterprises must have the ability to employ advanced technology or have strong research and development capabilities. Tax authorities may therefore require them to obtain a higher profit return than average in the outsourcing business segment, especially if the company also applies for research and development tax deductions.


From the international market, competition is becoming increasingly intense in the field of service outsourcing. Many countries are making international service outsourcing from advanced economies their strategic focus. India and Ireland have competitive advantages in this field while Malaysia, Mexico, Vietnam and the Philippines are also becoming increasingly competitive. There is more that could be done. These include the shift from business tax to a value-added tax where there is a prospect of reimbursement of all input tax, otherwise known as a zero taxation policy. This will help attract multinational enterprises to invest in China's service outsourcing sector and enhance the international competitiveness of China's outsourcing enterprises. However, due to the increase in labor costs and other non-tax factors, China's competitive advantages are not all that obvious. In the future, it remains to be seen whether the Chinese government will introduce other incentives, such as in encouraging the creation of high-end talent pools or offer greater financial support.



























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